Is this you?
✅ You’re incredibly good at what you do, that’s why you got the job - but how do you make sure your team sees that, gets behind you and respects you. You are mindful, that their performance influences whether you hit your goals and maintain your reputation.
✅ Whilst you're technical capability is impressive, your current role requires Leadership knowledge and skills that you currently have are not as polished.
✅ You are mindful that this position is an important step on your successful career journey - you want to make sure you perform well, especially as this challenge is different to what you have done before.
✅ You work at an impressive company, standards are high, your peers are getting progression - so how do you make sure you’re entering with a healthy dose of competition, doing just as good of a job as the others you’ve seen, if not better, whilst maintaining trusted relationships
✅ You don’t just go to work for the salary, you’re invested in truly being a leader in every capacity and so you need to be sure of how to OWN this role so that colleagues seek you out for your respected input and invite you to be included in more conversations. You can establish your role as a leader, beyond just your job title.
✅ There’s only one thing that’s more important to you than this new role, and that’s your actual life - so how do you put your best foot forward and work as hard as you need to without burning out and sacrificing your life? Working long hours, just to keep your head above water.
Assess the current status - let's get honest about what's working well and not.
Because only then will you know how to apply the fixes and maximise your strengths
Gain the same quick ideas from a 5-day Leadership course to make your fast impact now.
Throughout my career, I regularly felt frustrated by snail-speed bosses, bureaucracy that held me back from innovation, and disbelief of the extreme personalities that I came across; either the ambition-less victims of the corporate world or the unreasonable managers whose expected tolerance of mixed expectations.
Determined to keep moving towards my goals, I would be vocally frustrated with others (not a good look 😃) and impatient. I felt misunderstood when suggesting improvement ideas, not realising that others don’t have the same drive or bravery.
It wasn’t until I discovered coaching that I was able to free myself from the impact of toxicity, politics, and frustration. Helping me to move into roles that fulfilled me and helped me towards my bigger goals. I had a lot of ‘aha’ moments on the way from working with my coach, my only regret - not having done it sooner!
I have now trained and qualified as a Leadership coach to further my work with professionals who want to make the most of their careers.
I’ll help you to work out what's working well to improve that and reduce the challenges. Your Senior Leaders believe that you are right for the role, now lets demonstrate they are right by boosting your performance, impact and reputation
I'll provide thought-provoking materials to help you get really clear on what the priorities are. No space for overwhelm here
Get answers to your questions so that you can move forward in delivering what's going to help you to make the big impact.
Identify any other factors in your blind spot so that you are match fit
Chat through the big thoughts and ideas to help you remain professional in group coaching calls with someone that you can trust.
Access the materials and reflect on where your at.
You’ll have some pre-thinking to do and some questions to ask of your team.
Attend the weekly group coaching calls to talk through your specific situation.
By the end of our 8 weeks together, you will already be working to your plan with actions as to what you will do next.
If you feel that you are not hitting the mark at the moment and / or the role feels hard, than this programme is for you. I have designed the programme to work for anyone, at any level and in any industry. Status isn’t important. How you feel most certainly is.
My argument here is, your Boss, friends and family will almost certainly have a level of bias and try to influence you. This might be because they are wanting to protect you, they are projecting their own fears upon you, they are living their life through you, or they think you should do the exact same steps that they did. None of these points are in your genuine best interests. In Coaching, the coach works hard to support you, as you are in the driving seat of your career.
Let's be real...
Most companies, even the big ones, do not take the time to give you the support you need as you climb the corporate ladder.
But just because they’re not giving it to you…it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
This is the reason 60 DAYS TO MAXIMUM IMPACT can be the thing that makes all the difference with.
YOU MIGHT BE SAYING TO YOURSELF, WHY WOULD I INVEST IN THIS WHEN MY COMPANY PROVIDES THIS TYPE OF TRAINING? And the answer is simple - your company has your company’s back. I will have yours.
The reason any corporation is spending time, money, resources to educate you is, naturally, for their gain. My work, and this program equip you with tools, information, and support that is going to benefit YOU - in this position and the next five to come.