• Maybe you have been debating for too long as to whether you should stay or go from your current position to reach your career aspirations.
  • Maybe your team isn’t up to your expectations when it comes to XYZ and you just don’t know how to motivate them - you're aware that their poor performance negatively affects your reputation.  
  • Maybe you KNOW you’re ready and deserving of the pay rise or promotion, but you’re not quite sure what your plan of action should be.
  • Maybe there’s a whole lot of stuff going on and you need someone to listen to the entire messy story and help you figure out solutions - and you know that person can’t be your spouse or friend

You have problems.   I have solutions.       


Solution Sessions

As the name implies, these sessions are about finding solutions.

This is an opportunity to sit down for an hour with a TRAINED and CERTIFIED coach, for an immersive experience, so that you can be heard, seen, and guided towards an answer or game plan for YOUR individual struggles.

How they work

Step 1:  Purchase your session.

Step 2:  Do the pre-work.  This ensure we are productive together.

Step 3:  We'll meet on Zoom for 2 x 60 minute calls and you'll have access to me for 4 weeks via an app for voice notes and text messages to keep you moving forward.


If you're at a


If you are trying to


If you need a


If you're looking for


If you're struggling with a decision, for example;

 - Do you stay at the company or do you go?

- Do you take that secondment / redeployment or stay in the department that you're in?

- Do you take that course or not?

Your know your job as the leader is to lead - not just for your career performance, your reputation, but to hit your company goals, bonus targets and get a promotion.

But your struggling to find the right methodology to get there

Maybe you deserve a pay rise for all that you have been delivering.  

Maybe you need an increase to support you home life and need to work out a plan to achieve it.  

Perhaps you feel ready for promotion and need to determine what’s the next step and how do you get there.

I'll help you create the plan and harness your persuasion and negotation skills to ensure that you're ready

For any other issue where you are struggling with and want someone from the outside to see it all, hear it all, and help find an objective solution.

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Is this right for me?

  • You feel like you have nobody impartial to talk to - everyone at work has an opinion, but they’re biased opinions, with most people (hate to say it) looking out for their own best interests. (These sessions give you not only a partial party to discuss with, but someone who’s only objective is helping YOU.)
  • You struggle with these types of issues privately, because even while you might love your family and friends, they simply don’t GET the situation you’re dealing with, which only leaves you feeling misunderstood and MORE frustrated than you were to begin with. (These sessions aim, more than anything, to SEE you. As a certified coach, I want to meet you where you are, hear what you’ve been going through, and be a support system for you to get to the other side.)
  • You have a tendency to deal with career situations emotionally (which is ok!), but you’re also really ready for someone who is a master at coming up with solutions. (These sessions help you part the clouds of emotion so that you can see your struggle from a logical lens and start putting together the plan to shift what needs to shift.)
  • You’re terrified to open up to those you work with because the LAST thing you need is hearing the thing you shared in confidence being gossiped about tomorrow in the office kitchen . (These sessions are a safe space - guaranteed. Not only am I automatically on your side as we enter into this dynamic, but everything you share is 100% confidential.)
  • You’re done letting your next career move or that personnel issue keep you up at night. Too many people lose too much sleep by letting their stress and issues carry on for far too long.  we stress about things for far too long, and you know you’re done feeling that way. (These sessions are about PROGRESS. I can’t guarantee to fix everything in your life in one hour, but I can guarantee that I’m going to do everything in my ability to guide you towards your next steps so your career starts moving in the right direction.) 

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Hi,  I'm Nat

Chartered HR Professional (MCIPD)
and ICF-certified Leadership Coach (ACC)

Throughout my career, I regularly felt frustrated by snail-speed bosses, bureaucracy that held me back from innovation, and disbelief of the extreme personalities that I came across; either the ambition-less victims of the corporate world or the unreasonable managers whose expected tolerance of mixed expectations.  

Determined to keep moving towards my goals, I would be vocally frustrated with others (not a good look 😃) and impatient. I felt misunderstood when suggesting improvement ideas, not realising that others don’t have the same drive or bravery.  

It wasn’t until I discovered coaching that I was able to free myself from the impact of toxicity, politics, and frustration. Helping me to move into roles that fulfilled me and helped me towards my bigger goals. I had a lot of ‘aha’ moments on the way from working with my coach, my only regret - not having done it sooner!

What you can expect 

I am sympathetic, but I won’t wallow there with you.   

I can help you best by getting all the facts on the table, so we can see clearly.  

I'm great at weighing up what the options are.

I’ll challenge you where needed it.

I’m great at noticing other options.   

I’m great at pulling apart the facts versus the stories.

And I’ll give you my insights from 20 years of Corporate experience. In case I think you might be missing something.


Nat is a very professional and personable coach who has given me much to reflect on and some positive ideas to take forward with regards to my career goals and aspirations. Nat has been very supportive and informative and I would highly recommend her

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Nat Heys